Workers’ compensation claims and disability are a significant cost to most employers, but few employers are accurately tracking or monitoring their cases. Often employers are using paper-based forms and other out-dated methods to manage cases, leaving them open to the risk of error and omissions in the documentation process. Risk Management Solutions has developed a software-based claims management solution designed to modernize your claims process and bring real-time insight into your injury and disability files.
We have developed a proprietary application for the management of workers’ compensation and disability management claims, built on the popular Salesforce cloud platform. This allows us to have a universal platform that can be easily configured to fit a wide range of client needs. Salesforce itself is also familiar to many organizations and very easy to navigate, significantly reducing training time.

True Flexibility:
Our system is built on a cloud based platform, one of the most customizable on the market, enabling the software to be tailored to the unique needs of your business.
The App:
Salesforce offers a mobile application compatible with our case management system, allowing leaders to enter information wherever they are using the technology at hand. It is compatible with iOS, Android- the most popular operating systems in the workplace today. The app has a smooth interface and is very intuitive, allowing any level of user to get the information they need with ease.
Data Feeds:
Our platform allows you to provide us with employee data feeds out of your existing Human Resource Information System - saving on the redundancy of repetitive data entry and allowing you to get a real insight about how your claims affect your organization.

Easy Injury Reports:
When a worker is injured on the job the last thing anyone wants to do is spend time filling out forms. Our claims entry system allows one simple online entry to create all reporting documents needed for a workplace injury. Entering the injury data generates the correct provincial forms and offers of modified work that are required when a worker is injured. When combined with a data feed of employee information, it allows your leaders to spend less time on injury paperwork and more time doing what you need them to do.
To provide a security model that satisfies numerous, unique real-world business cases, the platform provides a comprehensive and flexible data security model to secure data at different levels. It also provides sharing tools to open up and allow secure access to data based on business needs. Salesforce will keep all your data secure, and ensure the confidentially of sensitive data, while still allowing your leaders to get the critical information they need when they need it.
Real-Time Monitoring:
All data on each claim in the system can produce reports in real-time. Detailed reporting tools allow Risk Management solutions or your human resources team to rapidly analyze your claim data, helping you get the insight you need in order to make the important decisions about your business.